In 1986, two local legends – Frank Mundus and Donnie Braddick – caught the world’s largest shark on rod and reel, just 28 miles off the coast of Montauk.
While that fact alone is pretty neat (and fairly well known), we think Montauk News 55’s feature on the trophy catch, which looks like a deleted scene from the filming of Anchorman, is just about the grandest thing ever.
If you’re short on time, jump to the 41 second mark to see a heavily-mustached Donnie size up the 3,500 pound Great White while twirling a cigarette in hand.
NOTE: Near the end of his life, Mundus actually became a shark conservationist, and with the help of his wife, Jeanette, published, “White Shark Sam Meets The Monster Man,” a mysterious paperback book that Amazon shows as having no new copies of, and only 1 used copy of, for $172.99 (which has since been sold).
Long live 80’s news segments and, more importantly, long live Frank Mundus.