I had wanted to visit Montauk, NY for nearly four years prior to this September weekend getaway. Many of my close friends from college in Florida grew up there, and their endless stories and love for Montauk built up quite the hype. And I must say that I ended up being just as enchanted by this little paradisal land as they are.
I got the full experience—caught some fun waves with a few local rippers, speared my first fish, had a few nights out with the boys at the local watering holes, and even managed to wiggle my way into the Ditch Witch season-closing party. It was the first time I had felt a part of a community since moving to Los Angeles about a year ago, which honestly made it hard to leave.
Here are a few crappy film shots I took while out there… just enough to provide me with some wonderful memories until I am able to make it out there again.