Distance from Huckberry, NYC: 0.2 Miles
Going anywhere with Jack Kerouac—whether driving full-speed and non-stop from Manhattan to Big Sur or just taking a walk to the pub around the corner—could turn into an adventure. Yours starts at The White Horse Tavern, a legendary West Village haunt the author made his home away from his home. So much so, that, as the bartender will tell you, someone once scrawled on the bathroom wall where he was sure to see when he took a men’s room break: GO HOME JACK.The White Horse, legend has it, was also the last known watering hole of Dylan Thomas. This all makes it a fine place to weather a new leather-bound notebook (because it can’t really contain any good words until it’s been “aged” by a little whiskey). Just don’t overstay your welcome.
When you stop by Huckberry to pick up your supplies, let them know you are interested in walking in Jack’s footsteps and they’ll hook you up. They even have a map for the rest of the tour.