Created by director and writer Thomas Brookins and producer James Baker, Fire and Water tells the lost tale of Don “Gums” Eichin—a legendary NY firefighter that helped to put New York on surfing’s map by charging Pipeline, Waimea, and other notoriously heavy breaks in Hawaii during the late 50s and 60s. Don’s way of life went on to inspire a dynasty of FDNY firemen that bonded through their passion for surfing and bravery both in and out of the water.
“For centuries, firefighters have acted as society’s heroes. For Don Eichin one NY firefighter, Don Eichin, water has not only acted as his weapon of safety, but also a source of recreation. In New York, a strong community of surfers dwell underneath the ashes and uniforms. These warriors have risen above sea-level to conquer fire as well as submerged themselves to dominate water. The only element stronger than their honor and skill is the bond of their brotherhood.”
The documentary features tons of rare surf footage + legendary imagery from back in the day…peek the classic trailer below.