Shooting the Sh*t with Sylvester Schneider

Sylvester Schneider is a hell of a name. If you asked me what John Smith does, I could tell you that John Smith is a fictional character used for reference in hypothetical situations. And if you asked me what Brock Johannesberg does, I would probably tell you that Brock Johannesberg is a professional skier in his 20s. But if you asked me who Sylvester Schneider is, or what he does, I wouldn’t have the slightest clue. In an effort to fill the blank, I shot Sylvester some questions, and damn did he shoot back. Get familiar with the German gent, musician and owner of Zum Schneider, below.

You have an Oompah band, a soccer league and a Barvarian Bierhaus. First off, what is Oompah? Secondly, is there anything else we should know about you?

Oompah is a beat made from brass and drums and, besides disco, is the most danceable music form ever. I do the Schuhplattler on the surf board… at least I try 😉 .

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Beer and sausage by the beach — not the most thought of combo. On a scale of 1-24, how risky did this move feel?

124 😉 .

I like beer, I like liquor. Talk to us about Schneider’s Bier Cocktails.

Don’t think anybody else has them that’s why they sell bad. You SHOULD try them though. All good and natural and mainly beer ingredients such as home made beer syrup and distilled beer.

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Does American beer suck?


One thing (other than beer) that Germans do better than Americans? What about one thing that Americans do better than Germans?

Well machines of course. Americans are more courteous and polite.

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Give us a german word or phrase that we can use to make us appear more sophisticated next time we’re at the bar.

“Eine Brezn mit Butter bitte” 😉 .

Editor’s note: We’re still not sure what the above phrase means. Perhaps something about butter pretzels. Keep a tab on Zum’s upcoming events in Montauk, here.

Featured photo and additional photos courtesy of Zum Schneider and their Instagram.