A Conversation with Rasmus King
If you happen to know a thing or two about surfing, you may have heard about a little place just South of the Gold Coast called Byron Bay. You also may have heard that this beach town is home to some pretty stellar waves. What you may not have heard is that The Bay also just happens to be home to a really stellar human, surfer, actor, vintage car-lover, and long-time Sun Bum Ambassador by the name of Rasmus King. Ras sat down with us to chat about his first car and where exactly he hopes to see himself five years down the road.
The following is a snippet from a conversation with Rasmus King and Sun Bum. All photos by Evan Schell
Sun Bum: What’s your Motto?
Rasmus King: Just stay frothed. Stay in your wetty. Just don’t get outta your wetty. Just keep surfing.
SB: What if you have to use the bathroom?
RK: Just send it. Just go for it.

SB: Can you tell us about your first car?
RK: First car is a red Pontiac Trans Am. It’s a beast. It’s mental. It’s from Kentucky. It took a while to get over here, but it’s here now and it’s so cherry. It’s so good
SB: Can you legally drive it here yet?
RK: No, not legally.

SB: In five years time or ten years time, where do you see yourself?
RK: Hopefully I’m doing the same stuff as I’m doing now. Surfing, jamming, acting, and just loving life. Probably gonna build like a little shed up in the backyard and live in that. Yeah. I don’t wanna leave Mum’s food. It’s too good.
For more on Rasmus, from pursuing an acting career to what it’s like growing up in Byron Bay, check out the Sun Bum POV.