Kept Safe with Dean Blotto Gray

dog sitting by couch end table with TROVA safe on shelf

How TROVA Home is making the everyday more secure

Dean Blotto Gray isn’t into playing it safe on the slopes, but at home it’s a different story. Dean trusts TROVA to keep his possessions safe while he’s off risking it all for the perfect shot. No matter where you are or what you’re doing, TROVA is dedicated to keeping your most precious items safe in style. No more losing keys in your snow suit, these safes are finger-print activated and bluetooth trackable for the ultimate peace of mind. In honor of Whalebone’s Snow Issue, we chatted with Dean about how TROVA helps keep him and his work protected.

If you could put a song or a memory in the safe, what would it be?

My hard drives are full of so many memories; treasures from my travels, photo shoot outtakes, artwork documentation, and beyond. My drives are one big mix tape of life and love, so that’s the song I’d be keeping in my safe.

TROVA safe filled with valuables next to a sleeping dog
closed TROVA safe on a side table with a lamp

How can you see TROVA added to your everyday life? 

The TROVA safe is so dang cool! I love the design, and aesthetically, it fits well into my home (it’s kind of an art piece!). TROVA did an amazing job creating something that is both useful and cool. The safe has definitely become a conversation piece when friends and family are visiting.

watch and passport inside TROVA safe

Walk us through what you chose to keep in your safe and why?

I always keep a second set of backup hard drives in a separate area from the primary copies. I can’t stress two sets of backups enough, and the TROVA safe is a perfect place to keep mine protected. When my favorite watch isn’t on my wrist, I keep it safe and sound in the TROVA safe. My treasured cufflinks also have a stylish new home base. It’s been pretty cool using a Bluetooth activated safe to access family heirlooms– tradition meets modernity! 

closed TROVA safe on side table
TROVA safe with key, polaroids, cuff links, and a watch.

My TROVA also holds the small gold key that accesses my family’s Green Mountain hideout, where there’s no phone service or wifi (a real retreat!). Every time I open the safe, the polaroid photos I’ve put in there make me smile. They’re a great reminder of how wonderful my partner is and of all our loving journeys together. And of course, TROVA’s got to have the passport. Always keep your ticket to international travel in a secure location, so you don’t have to go searching for it should you decide to jet off unexpectedly! 

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