Memories of Places that Never Existed

Photography of New York by Kate LaRue

There are some memories we revisit more often than others. As a fine-arts-school student, I dreamed of an adventure in a foreign place. It was a fuzzy thought, one that eventually led me to quit my job in Toronto and move to New York. Living here hasn’t really changed my impression so much as it has added to that myth. It’s fuzzier now than it’s ever been.

It was a fuzzy thought, one that eventually led me to quit my job in Toronto and move to New York.

Brooklyn. You can be out every night if you want. But you can find a party anywhere, if you linger long enough.


Upper West Side. The buildings are intimidating, but also have good views and coffee.


Staten Island Ferry. Manhattan is a good metaphor for people: an island with bridges, tunnels and ferries that work, sometimes.


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