Some art from the next generation of ocean lovers
JUST Water is obviously a liquid-facing organization. The folks at JUST love the water not just for the fact that they put it boxes and deliver it to your home, and not just for the fun and recreation and waves to surf it provides us all and not just because. But on World Oceans Day, a day the frickin UN has set aside for us all to celebrate the ocean and work on preserving it for all the life on earth, the folks at JUST are helping to pass their commitment to sustainability onto the next generation. They asked their kids “What do you love about the ocean?” and then gave them some crayons and scissors and such and these are the results.
“What do you love about the ocean?”

Recycle Reef by Woody
“I love the beach and the sea but see all the rubbish and wish people would be more careful and put it in the bin. Everything that I’ve used (apart from the shell and 2 turtles) are materials that can be recycled, have been reused or can be reused again.” —Woody, Age 7 ½, Manchester, UK

Ocean Play by Angela
“These are fun things I think about when I think about the ocean.” –Angela, Age 12, Glens Falls NY

Killer Whale Riding by Eli
“I like the ocean because it has beautiful creatures and some creatures that have millions of eyes.” –Eli, Age 5, NY, NY.

Please Help Our Sea Creatures by Grace
“It’s cartoon style illustration full of life and colour to celebrate the great work being done and raising awareness of what we can still do. The picture in the middle is Grace and Oscar at an aquarium in South Africa, its reflects the way in which they view the Ocean as children.” –Grace , Age 9, Warrington, UK

‘O’ is for ocean, by Anzel
“Life began in the ocean. Teams of ancient fish traveled through miles of strange seaweeds in search of food and adventure. When teaching our 16 month old about the ocean, we are reminded of the vast unknown. Can you even imagine how many things have lived inside of the ocean?” –Anzel (written by dad), Age 1, Brooklyn, NY

Beautiful Whales by Rosie

Majestic Dolphins by Rosie
“The ocean holds beautiful and majestic creatures.” —Rosie, Age 9, NY, NY