Comedy For KIOO
On July 19th, 2022, KIOO projects threw a dazzling charity comedy fundraiser featuring sets by Rachel Feinstein, Corinne Fisher, Jon Laster and a surprise set by Ronny Chieng. The event was held at CSTM Haus in the West Village & hosted by photographer Marcus Russell Price, illustrator Jen Toth and KIOO founder Babita Patel. Edy’s Grocery provided food. Drinks were donated by SUNBOY and The Community Spirit. Luckily, we were able to snag a ticket to this intimate event and document the revelry.

KIOO is a non-profit that aims to advance gender equality through photography workshops to kids in underserved communities around the globe. Their objective is to teach the girls how to use the cameras first and in turn have them teach the boys. Their theory is that in turn this turn empowers the girls as well as presents them as equals to their male counterparts. The work produced by the children is beautiful as well as their stories, you can check it out and purchase their work here.

Jen, whose art moniker is Jen Scribbles NY, shared her thoughts on the organization and what made her join as a board member: “I’ve always been interested in the nonprofit world and working with children was at the forefront of what I wanted to do. The great thing about KIOO is we hit the marks of teaching children how to discover their voice through art, give girls leadership and confidence-building skills, and we show boys they’re an integral part of the conversation of promoting gender equality.”

Click here if you’d like to donate to the cause.
Help spread the joy of photography.