Around 19 hours ago, a social media coordinator @jetblue received a notification on their phone that pro surfer, @john_john_florence posted a picture about JetBlue. The post from John John had to do with his boards being broken when he flew the airline, and had nothing to do with their delicious snack offerings. It happened. It shouldn’t have happened. It sucks. But there is some good news out of all this… we learned that people have some sound advice and feedback for the New York-based airline.
The following are some choice comments pulled from John John’s and JetBlue’s Instagram account from the past few hours relating to the broken board incident (largely from JJF super fans). They’re kinda amazing. #breakinstagram
- @micah_holtzman — “FUCK JET BLUE”
- @williamdanton — “How to be less busy ? Advice from jetblue: just hire a wild bear to take care of surfboards.”
- @mts__ — “@jetblue fuck your dog”
- @100daysofsurf — “U suck dick JetBlue I’ve never heard of you but you can go fuck yourself in the asshole”
- @kookvibe — “You suck ass at handling baggage!”
- @aaronx8 — “Jet blue is for queers”
- @unholypotato — “Suck big dick @JetBlue I make u eat goat nipples and finish it off with mayonnaise”
- @conan_letrange — “Fucking murderers!@kriscyr“
- @nodbarley — “Who’s doing your shitty post? Go fuck yourself!!!”
- @nodbarley — “You ain’t getting shit tonight you fucking pussy!!!!”
- @j.b.watterson — “You know who doesn’t score @jetblue ? The customers, because you break our possessions and don’t give a fuck. I hope this brings your whole company down. Fucken morons.”
- @aywayay — “Heart shattered @claudwat“
- @thesehoesaintmaxjay — “Probably jacking of at home you dickheads. Hope john johns board get replaced. Shitty airline”
- @sarajoirons — “These are your pilots tools of the trade. How about we destroy them like you did to johnjohn’s tools”
- @marshallburdy — “have fun going out of business.”
- @como.el.oro— “Give John John a plane. I saw View From A Blue Moon last night and learned that John has his pilot’s license. You probably have a bunch of planes, just fucking give him one.”
- @perfectpourmaui — “@jetblue are you kinda getting the idea that maybe, just maybe you guys fucked up a little?”
- @perfectpourmaui — “We are all interested on how your PR team is gonna spin this one”
- @tobydickson — “@jetblue kills puppies”
- @am4knee — “JetBlue sits when they pee”
- @gayjesus — “fuck you, you cunts”
- @groovey_grover — “I’d rather have my face sucked on by a dementor than trust you flogs with my boards. Fuck you ya corporate chode gobblers.”
Even Brendan Buckley, the online editor at Surfing Mag, chimed in:
In what is sure to be an #interesting next few days at JetBlue’s corporate offices, we’ll be waiting (and watching) for more opportunities for JJF super fans and anti-baggage fee advocates to wreak absolute havoc on the #4 ranked airline in rewards programs. Stay tuned.