5 Tips to Get You Through the Ride Out

Photo from https://www.flickr.com/photos/joiseyshowaa/7454479488

The drive out never gets better. That one guy who cuts you off will always be there, and traffic coming into Bridgehampton will never move any quicker, like you had hoped. Because of that, here are some quick tips to calm your nerves and get you ready for the weekend.

1. Deep breaths. Yeah, we know it’s hard to think about breathing when some dude is going 25 on Montauk Highway. Do your best. In and out through the nose or mouth, either will do the trick for this situation. Focus on taking a five-second inhales and five-second exhales. Do this for as long as needed because there’s no harm in working on your inner yogi. A quick tip from any yoga enthusiast.

Photo by pixabay.com

Photo by pixabay.com

2.Coffee, coffee, coffee. If you’re exhausted from a long work week of no sleep, a demanding boss or a huge project, coffee should do the trick. There are numerous stops along the way including Hampton Coffee in Southampton, Starbucks in Bridgehampton and East Hampton, and Jack’s in Amagansett.



3. Turn up the tunes. Singing is proven to release endorphins, and as “Elle Woods” says, endorphins make you happy. Turn up the radio and jam out while you sit in traffic. Yeah, the guy next to you might think you’re a kook, but who cares?

Photo from rantcars.com

Photo from rantcars.com

4. Play the sign game. If that coffee didn’t work and you’re tired and falling asleep, slide back into your childhood years and play the license plate game or the sign game. My personal favorite is looking at signs and billboards and finding words that start with each letter in the alphabet. A for Aflak, B for Bridgehampton, C for Carvel. Look – I’ve already got you started.



5. Cell down. You’ve heard it a million times before, but keeping your cell phone out of reach is the best way to ensure safety when driving out. That Snapchat of the ridiculous traffic can wait until you’ve arrived safely. Plus, you’re friends stuck in the city for the weekend already hate you for getting yourself out east, they don’t need any reminders.